Understanding trademark classes - Class 42

Detailed overview of Nice class 42, one of 45 classes of goods and services commonly recognized by intellectual property offices. Classes of good and services help define the industry and vertical in which your brand will be protected by the trademark.

Class 42

Class 42 covers research, science, technology, architecture and IT services. Additional services encompassed in Class 42 include cloud computing, software as a service, web hosting services, design services and engineering services.

Examples of trademarks registered in class 42

Classes associated with class 42

These classes are commonly associated with the selected class, extending the level of brand protection and their inclusion may be advisable depending on the specific nature of your brand.

What's a proper specimen for class 42?

Suitable specimens for Class 42 include website screenshots and advertising materials bearing the mark. For more examples, including pictures, visit our Specimen guide for Class 42.

What are trademark classes of goods & services?

  • List of goods and services

    45 Classes of goods & services

    All goods & services are categorised into 45 Nice classes

  • Selection

    Choosing the right classes

    The selection of classes defines the scope of trademark protection

  • Application success

    Maximising application success

    Tailor-made selection of relevant classes for all our clients

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