How much does it cost to raise an opposition?

Photo of Jan Buza

Written by Jan Buza

Co-founder of Trama

To prevent oppositions raised in bad faith, some IP offices have opposition fees in place. The cost and structure can vary considerably, with a few examples being:

  • EU: €320 is the official fee paid to the EUIPO for filling Notice of Opposition
  • US: $600 per class of goods or services is the official fee paid to the USPTO for filling Notice of Opposition
  • UK: £100 is the official fee paid to the UKIPO for filling Notice of Opposition

You can find the up-to-date prices on EUIPO's, USPTO's and UKIPO's website.

Bear in mind that these costs don't include the additional legal representation you might need in the proceedings, for example, the legal observations explaining the legal grounds of your filed opposition.

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