ID Manual

The ID Manual in trademark law refers to the "Identification of Goods and Services Manual" published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The manual contains a list of acceptable identifications of goods and services for use in trademark applications and registrations.

When filing a trademark application in the United States, the applicant is required to identify the goods or services for which they intend to use the trademark. The ID Manual can be used as a resource to help the applicant choose the appropriate description for their goods or services. The manual is regularly updated and provides guidance on the appropriate terminology and classifications to use for various goods and services.

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Stories of our clients: Plank Hardware

Numerous entrepreneurs could start their story with the words “inspired by life” and Tom Revill, the founder of Plank hardware, is certainly one of them. “Plank Hardware all started with a few planks of wood and a new flat. We found that finding the right hardware at a reasonable price wasn’t so easy. We were so happy with the final pieces that we started making and selling them to friends, family and online. As a start-up, we’ve invested everything into our products and building our brand, so protecting that is really important to us.”

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Can you change your trademark over time?

Brands tend to evolve and undergo numerous changes over time. Many companies have changed their names to cater to a larger audience, either by altering their original logos for a more modern look or abandoning controversial words in their slogans. As the company expands beyond its planned offerings of goods and services or decides to take a different direction altogether, usually what follows are certain changes or even complete rebranding. A common question is then: can trademarks change over time? Well, it depends.